image economy

An analytic website for stock photographers found that the average revenue per image per month or AI images is a whopping four and a half times bigger than photos or any other format.
A pack of 3D assets for The Sims 4 by Ebonix
Our video installation for the Photographers’ Gallery Media Wall, "Basic Necessities", documents the vibrant social dynamics []
A Screen Walks playlist of recorded live-streamed events touching on marketplaces.
Simon Weckert - Google Maps Hacks Performance & Installation, 2020 “ 99 second hand smartphones are transported in a handcart to generate virtual traffic jam in Google Maps.Through this …
In September 2019 the ImageNet creator Fei-Fei Li gave a talk at The Photographers' Gallery talking through the events and key people that led to the creation of visual datasets.
In 2019 The Photographers' Gallery digital programme launched 'Data / Set / Match', a year-long programme that explores new ways to present, visualise and interrogate contemporary image datasets. This introductory essay presents some key concepts and questions that make the computer vision dataset an object of concern for artists, photographers, …
Simutaneous live-streaming on 40 accounts selling womens clothes. #Chinaecommerce (source: twitter/mbrennanchina)
"Images now published on social media are valorised in terms of distribution and quantifiable interactions, particularly when triangulated with data about a user’s online purchases or social media behaviour. This process shapes visual representations of human identities into ‘data images’ outside the control of the person the data originates from. …
Jonathan Rotsztain, Rattled, 2015 Screengrabs of automated ads. from Printed Web 3 Archive: /
Information asymmetry is power asymmetry. If “data is the new oil” in the 21st Century, then internet users are the raw earth from which this oil is extracted; a commodity to be exploited for the benefit of the oil barons. In this, there is at least some equity amongst users around the world: the parity of the powerless. Except that isn’t accurate …